當前位置:招聘信息大全網 - 獵聘網招聘 - 英語面試-應聘實驗室助理




 1. Coordinates the activities of student workers.

 2. Performs standard laboratory procedures.

 3. Compiles data and assists in routine preliminary analyses.

 4. Performs clerical tasks such as filing, typing, labeling and billing.


 1) When I saw the advertisement, I thought it would really suit me.


 2) Can you tell me why you replied to our advertisement?


 3) Do you know exactly what you would be doing as a laboratory assistant?


 4) What sort of student do you regard yourself as?


 5) Thank you. When will I know if I am successful?



 (A=Applicant I=Interviewer)

 I: Good morning, my name is Martin. You have applied for the Laboratory Assistant`s position, right?

 A: Yes. When I saw the advertisement I thought it would really suit me.

 I: Can you tell me why you replied to our advertisement?

 A: I think that I`d be really good at this kind of work. In fact I learn so fast that I`d be looking for promotion very shortly.

 I: Do you know exactly what you would be doing as a Laboratory Assistant?

 A: A laboratory assistant helps to maintain scientific equipment, keep a check on the supplies in the store, and prepare the chemicals for experiments.

 I: What sort of student do you regard yourself as? Did you enjoy studying while you were at school?

 A: I suppose I`m a reasonable student. I passed all my tests and enjoyed studying subjects that interested me.

 I: What were your favorite subjects at school?

 A: Maths and chemistry were my favorite subjects at school. I also enjoyed history.

 I: Do you have any plans for further study?

 A: Well, I have thought about doing the part-time Chemistry Certificate course at Technical College. I think I would really benefit from doing that.

 I: Have you ever had a job before?

 A: Yes. I have worked part-time at a take away food store-the one just round the corner.

 I: We have a lot of other applicants for this position. Why do you think that you deserve to get the job?

 A: Well, I have found out a lot about this type of work and my research suggests that I would be quite capable of doing the work involved. I also think that I would be able to handle any training course reasonably well.

 I: I think I have asked you everything I wanted to. Thank you for coming along to the interview.

 A: Thank you. When will I know if I am successful?

 I: We`ll be in touch with you by telephone or by mail within a week. Well. Goodbye.

 A: Goodbye.

 I: 早上好,我叫馬丁,妳申請了實驗室助理這個職位,對吧?

 A: 是的。當我看到廣告時,我想這個職位非常適合我。

 I: 妳能告訴我為什麽妳回應了我們的廣告嗎?


 I: 那妳知道作為壹個實驗室助理具體做些什麽嗎?

 A: 實驗室助理就是要維護科研設備,經常檢查庫房的供應以及為化學實驗做準備工作。

 I: 妳認為妳自己是哪種類型的學生?妳在學校時喜歡學習嗎?

 A: 我想我是壹個挺好的學生,我通過了所有的考試,而且喜歡學習我感興趣的課程。

 I: 妳上學時最喜歡什麽課程?

 A: 數學和化學是我上學時最喜歡的,我對歷史也非常感興趣。

 I: 妳有繼續學習深造的打算嗎?

 A: 哦,我想業余時間在技術學院上化學認證課程,我想這肯定對我有好處。

 I: 妳以前工作過嗎?

 A: 是的,我在壹個食品店做過兼職外賣,就是拐角處那家。

 I: 申請這個職位的人很多,妳為什麽認為妳該得到這份工作?

 A: 是這樣的.,我對這種工作很了解,我發現自己非常適合做這種工作,而且我也認為自己能把培訓課程學得非常好。

 I: 我的問題問完了。謝謝妳來面試。

 A: 謝謝妳。我什麽時候能知道我是否被錄用了?

 I: 我們會在壹周內打電話或者寫信聯系妳的。那好,再見。

 A: 再見。

 promotion 提升 equipment 設備

 reasonable 尚好的,過得去的 experiment 實驗,試驗

 deserve 值得 take away 帶走

 certificate 認證 training course 培訓課程

 在面試時,要說明自己的特長,比如I am a fast learner. I can type 120 words per minute。這樣即使自己某些方面不是很優秀,也能得到招聘者的認可。

 1) Can you tell me why you replied to our advertisement?

 responded to



 2) Do you know exactly what you would be doing as a laboratory assistant? what your duties would be

 what your resoponsibilities would be




 3)When will I know if I am successful?

 am hired

 got the job



