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英語流利說?Level5?Unit2?Part2 Verbs for Business2

To assign , to give someone a task to do.

His boss assigned him to increase sales by 50%.

Her company assigned her to find out more about the competition .

(His department was the one which was assigned to complete the project, so our department wasn't involved.)

(Her boss assigned her to do too many things at the same time, so she's frustrated. )

assign v.分配(某物); 分派,布置(工作、任務等); 指定; 指派; 委派; 派遣;

competition? n.競爭; 角逐; 比賽; 競賽; 競爭者; 對手;

department? n.部; 司; 局; 處; 系; (醫院的) 科; 部門;

frustrated adj.懊喪; 懊惱; 沮喪; 無效的; 沒有得到滿足的; 失意的; 不得誌的;

To penalize , to fine or punish someone for doing something wrong.

They were penalized for breaking the rules.

You will be penalized if you are late

(We knew we would be penalized, but the penalty was unfair, so we dropped out of the competition.)

(They were all penalized so they had to work even harder to complete the project on time.)

penalize v.處罰; 懲罰; 處以刑罰; (體育運動中) 判罰; 置於不利地位; 不公正地對待;

fine? n.罰金; 罰款;

punish? v.處罰; 懲罰; 對…判罪; 判定…的處罰方式; 責怪(自己); 自責;

penalty ? n.懲罰; 處罰; 刑罰; 害處; 不利; (對犯規者的) 判罰;

dropped out of? 退出

To lay off , to fire or? sack? a worker because business is bad.

The company was failing, so he was laid off. 前邊是壹種狀態吧,正在倒閉?

Our company had to lay off 50% of our employees.

The company may have to lay off workers when business is bad.

(He lost his job because his company had to lay off most of its employees.)

(He was ding a good job, but the company had to lay him off because they were losing money.)

(She was laid off , not fired , so it should be easier for her to find a new job.)

"lay off"的原因通常在雇主壹方,或者是業務縮小,調整,或者幹脆關門,不需要那麽多人手了,或者就是整個大環境就不好.這種情況下走人,稱為"laid off"。還有壹種情況是經濟周期的緣故,雇主讓員工回家呆著,等待效益好轉的時候再回來上班。


lay off [詞典](通常指因工作崗位不足而) 辭退,解雇,使下崗;

fire v. 開除,解雇

sack? v.解雇; 炒魷魚; (尤指舊時軍隊等) 破壞,劫掠; 擒殺(四分衛);

To recruit , to look for new employees to hire .

They are expanding their business and recruiting new employees.

She joined the company after she was recruited at a job fair ..

(She was recruited to work for a recruiting company , but now she's being laid off.)

recruit v.吸收(新成員); 征募(新兵); 動員…(提供幫助); (通過招募) 組成,組建;

hire? v.租用; 租借; 聘用; 錄用; 雇用; 臨時雇用;

job fair? 招聘會

recruiting company? 招聘公司

To resign , to voluntarily quit one's job.

His boss didn't like him so he was asked to resign.

She resigns from her job because of health reasons.

(He wanted to resign, but he needed to stay on for another year to complete the project.)

(She has decided to resign because she wants to spend more time with her family.)

resign v.辭職; 辭去(某職務);

voluntarily? adv.自願地; 自動地; 主動地; 無償地; 義務地;

quit? v.離開(工作職位、學校等); 離任; 離校; 停止; 戒掉; 離開,遷出,搬離(住處);

To give someone a task to do.

To look for new employees to hire.

To voluntarily quit one's job.

She joined the company after she was recruited at a job fair.

He didn't want to be transferred,? so he decided to resign and work for a competitor.

She was penalized for not submitting her application on time, so she had to pay an extra fee.

submite? v.提交,呈遞(文件、建議等); 順從; 屈服; 投降; 不得已接受; 表示; 認為; 主張; 建議;

application n.申請; 請求; 申請書; 申請表; (尤指理論、發現等的) 應用,運用; 塗抹; 敷用; 施用;