當前位置:招聘信息大全網 - 智聯招聘 - 六招助妳查出面試後無offer的原因



?  If you?re getting plenty of job interviews without any job offers, it?s time to think about what could be going wrong. Since you?re making it past the initial screening, the problem is unlikely to be your r?sum? or cover letter. That means that it could be your interview skills, something about your experience that isn?t obvious from your r?sum? or even your references. Here are six ways to explore why you?re not getting job offers.


 1. Check your references . It?s possible that your chances are falling apart post-interview when employers call your references. Even if you think your references are glowing, you might be surprised to find that?s not the case. It?s worth having a trusted, professional-sounding friend call your references and make sure that nothing is being said that could hold you back.

1. 檢查自己的推薦信。 面試失敗很可能是因為雇主看了妳的推薦信。雖然妳認為自己的推薦信充滿亮點,但事實可能並非如此。讓壹個信得過的、專業的朋友幫妳看推薦信是十分必要的,這個朋友可以幫妳檢查推薦信裏是否有給妳減分的內容。

2. Try some mock interviews with someone who can assess your interviewing skills . Have a friend or other contact conduct a mock interview with you and give you feedback on how you?re coming across. The ideal person to help you with this is someone who has significant experience doing hiring, but as long as your helper is blunt and relatively insightful, you should get some helpful feedback this way.

 2. 嘗試模擬面試,找到可以給自己進行面試技巧評估的人 。找壹個朋友或其他相關的人為自己進行壹場模擬面試,之後提供壹些反饋。壹個在招聘方面經驗豐富的人是最理想的人選。不過只要妳的幫助者夠直率且見解深刻,妳都會得到有益的反饋。

 3. Ask for feedback from past interviewers. Reach out to any past interviewers with whom you felt particular rapport and ask if you can buy them coffee and pick their brain for 20 minutes about how you can become a stronger candidate. Your email request could sound something like this: ?I really appreciate you taking the time to talk with me about the assistant manager job last week. I want to ask you a favor: Could I buy you coffee and pick your brain for 20 minutes about how I can better position myself for this type of work? Please know that I?m not seeking a reconsideration of your decision, just asking for any insights that might help me move closer to the type of work I?d like to do. I know you?re busy, so if a phone call is easier, I?d be grateful for that as well!?

3.咨詢之前面試官的`意見 。找到之前的面試官,妳覺得這些人很友好,就問壹問是不是可以和他們喝杯咖啡,耽誤他們20分鐘問問他們的意見,怎樣才可以成為更有競爭優勢的候選人。妳可以這樣發壹封電子郵件:?我真的十分感謝上周您花時間和我談了助理經理這份工作。不知道您是不是可以幫我壹個忙:不知道有沒有機會和您喝杯咖啡,耽誤您20分鐘時間,和您談談怎樣才能讓自己更適合這類工作?請明白,我不是希望您重新考慮自己的決定,我只是想想您請教如何才能使自己更適合這類工作。我知道您很忙,所以如果可以和您通壹次電話,我也會十分感謝。

  4. Look at who was ultimately hired for the jobs you interviewed for . Go back and look at the positions you interviewed for but didn?t get, and see who ended up getting the job. Search the company?s website or LinkedIn to find out who they hired and what that person?s background is. You might learn that the people who are beating you out have more experience or a different type of background, and that information can help inform your thinking about what types of jobs to pursue.

 4. 關註成功獲得妳面試職位的人 。回去看壹看自己面試失敗的職位,看壹看誰最終得到了那份工作。查看該公司的網站或者LinkedIn,看壹看該公司錄取人員是誰,並查看這個人的背景是怎樣的。妳可能會看到這個把妳踢出局的人經驗更豐富,或者有壹個不同的背景。這樣的信息可以幫助自己了解這類工作要找的人是怎樣的。

5. Change the way you?re preparing for interviews. How much interview prep do you do before each meeting? The reality is, the more you?re prepared, the better you?ll usually do. If youre not practicing your answers to likely questions and preparing examples from your past work that clearly demonstrate why youd excel at the job, this might be why your interviews aren?t panning out. Try changing the way you prepare and see if the outcome changes.

  5. 改變面試準備方式。 每次面試之前,妳都做了多少準備?事實是,準備越充分,表現會越好。如果對於相關問題沒有做出壹定練習,或者沒有對之前的工作經驗?可以說明自己勝任這份工作?做出明確說明,很可能導致面試失敗。改變自己的面試方式,看壹看是不是結果也不同了。

6. Ask yourself whether your frustration is coming across to interviewers . If you?ve been job searching for a while, you might be feeling frustrated or desperate. And while that?s understandable, if interviewers pick up on it, it can be the kiss of death for job offers. If you know that you?re radiating negativity, you might be better off taking a break from your search until you can approach interviews with less emotional baggage.

6. 問問自己的低落情緒是否影響到了面試官 。如果已經找了壹段時間的工作,自己很可能出現迷惑或絕望。雖然這可以理解,但是如果面試官看到這壹點,這對求職是致命的。如果妳渾身上下都充滿了負能量,最好是休息壹段時間,不要找工作,直到沒有太多精神包袱的時候,再開始找工作。
