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In charge of each great reform and evaluate its effectivity and legitimacy---負責公司重大的各項改革並評估其有效性、產品必須符合法律法規.

Vice Generanl Manager3.2.2 副總經理:

Assist directors and general manager to found, perfect quanlity management system---協助董事總經理建立、健全質量管理體系.

Responsible for applicability of product quality,making clear customers' requirement to product related technology and ensure product being legitimate ---負責產品質量的適用性,明確客戶對產品技術的要求及確保產品符合法律法規.

Responsible for other supportive requirement of factory---負責提供本工廠其它支持需要.

Responsbile for coordination of each departments' work---負責協調各部門工作.

Responsbile for execution of each administrative rules plus progress of each work item---負責各項行政制度的執行狀況.各項工作的進展情況.

Approval to appointment and removal of middle-level above managerial staff---中層以上管理人員的任免批準.

Vice General Manager of Technology Department3.2.3 技術部副總經理:

Implement company decision, program statistics technology control and product development plan, as well as continous improvement to department operation---貫徹公司決策,策劃工程技術管制和產品開發規劃.持續改善部門運作.

Assess department quality objective and check achievement status---部門質量目標的評估和達成情況考核.

Confirm product development of technology department---技術部最終產品開發的確認.

Manage,supervise and check subordinate department,assess staff's daily work and performance,and coordinate & cooperate with other departments ---管理、監督和考核下屬部門及人員日常工作和績效評定,協調和配合其它部門.

Organize and implement subordinates' training,education and examination---組織實施下屬人員的培訓教育和考核.

Offer suggestion to scrap disposition---提報報廢物品處理意見.

Responsible for staff and personnel alteration of subordinate department, including: referral and approval (of appointment& removal,transfer,recruitment) -負責下屬部門人員人事動態,包括:(任免、調動、聘用)提報和審批.

Supervise subordinate department against implementation, execution and progress of each institution item---督促下屬部門各項制度的實施執行進展情況.

Manufacturing Department Manager3.2.4 生產部經理:

Implement company decision,maintain and improve managerial work of manufacturing department---貫徹公司決策,維持和改善生產部管理工作.

Assess department quality objective and check achievement status---部門質量目標的評估和達成情況考核.

Responsible for deployment of contract examination and customer satisfaction degree assessment---負責開展合同評審和顧客滿意度評估工作.

Responsible for final approval of production plan and schedule monitoring---負責生產計劃的核準和進度監控.

Manage,supervise and check subordinate department and assess staff's daily work and performance,---管理、監督和考核下屬部門及人員的日常工作和績效評定.

Organize and implement subordinates' training,education and examination---組織實施下屬人員的培訓教育和考核.

Responsible for staff and personnel alteration of subordinate department, including: referral and approval (of appointment& removal,transfer,recruitment) -負責下屬部門人員人事動態,包括:(任免、調動、聘用)提報和審批.

Supervise subordinate department against implementation, execution and progress of each institution item---督促下屬部門各項制度的實施執行進展情況.

QC Department3.2.5 品管部經理:

Implement company decision, maintain and continously improve ISO9001 system operation---貫徹公司決策,維護和持續改善ISO 9001體系運作.

Assess department quality objective and check achievement status---部門質量目標的評估和達成情況考核.

Responsible for quality control,supervision,abnormity decision-marking and reflection of products---負責產品質量的控制、監督及異常情況決策和提報.

Responsible for external communication and confirmation to product authentication---負責產品認證的對外溝通和確認.

Manage,supervise and check subordinate department and assess staff's daily work and performance---負責管理、監督和考核下屬部門及人員的日常工作和績效評定.

Organize and implement subordinates' training,education and examination---組織實施下屬人員的培訓教育和考核.

Coordinate and cooperate with other departments' work---協調和配合其它部門工作.

Responsible for subordinate staff's personnel and salary alteration,including: referral and approval (of appointment& removal,transfer,recruitment)---負責下屬部門人員人事薪金動態,包括:(任免、調動、聘用)提報和審批.

Supervise subordinate department against implementation, execution and progress of each institution item ---督促下屬部門各項制度的實施執行進展情況.

Logistics Manager3.2.6 資材部經理:

Implement company decision,continuously improve logistics management system of company,and cut down logistic cost ---貫徹公司決策,持續改善公司物流管理系統,降低物流成本.