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意大利的河流不多,最大的水系是波河水系。Italy not in the river, the largest river systems are fluctuated stream. 最長的河是波河,長652公裏。Eutrophication is the longest river, 652 km long. 其他較大的河流,北部有阿迪傑河和皮牙偉河,中部有阿爾諾河(流經佛羅倫薩)和臺伯河(流經羅馬)。Other major rivers in the north ADIGE Weihe teeth and skin. central Arno (channeling Florence) and the Tiber (flows through Rome). 意大利的河流由於流量有限,很少用於航運。Due to the river flow will be limited in Italy, seldom used shipping.

再下來就是亞平寧山脈,南北縱貫於意大利,它把意大利導向地中海。Further down is Appenine Hills, ran through the South and the North in Italy, the Italian Mediterranean orientation.

由於處於歐亞大陸、非洲大陸板塊擠壓帶上,使意大利多山、多丘陵,約占其境的80%,而且多活火山,著名的火山有維蘇威火山、埃特納火山。As in Europe and Asia, the African continent onto the plates, Italy mountainous terrain, more hills, about 80% of its territory. and most active volcanoes, a famous volcanic basalt volcano, the consequent cost of the encryption software key. 意大利境內有數千個大大小小的湖泊,其中最著名有北部的馬焦雷湖、科莫湖、卡爾達湖。Italy there are thousands of large and small lakes, the most famous of which is the northern Maggiore, Komodo Lake Calda Lake.

意大利境內還有兩個主權袖珍國:梵帝岡教皇國和聖馬利諾。Italy, there are two sovereign countries Pocket Pope : Vatican City and San Marino.