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英國媒體和西班牙媒體,哪個更不靠譜, 在足壇有哪些最不靠譜的媒體

英國媒體壹抓壹大把 西班牙媒體兩大幫派鬥法也很熱鬧 而且還會經常給妳講故事 德國媒體確實是比較有良心的 踢球者圖片報相對靠譜 法甲的隊報也不錯。





皇馬的會員裏面有 *** 要員、各行業高層



西班牙投資移民為申請人在西班牙指定區域購買當地房產(200萬元以上),根據當地政策,申請人和家人有權獲得長期居留或長期多次往返簽證。 (註:根據最新西班牙政策:由於移民人數趨多, *** 規定必須在銀行存入10萬歐元約合80萬人民幣,以證明申請人在西班牙的投資和生活能力。客戶如辦理西班牙購房移民,可免費前往西班牙進行實地看房考察,全套移民費用18萬元,包含赴西班牙房產考察費用)





















甚至和傳統的論壇解決內容生產比較,Quora 或者知乎多解決了壹個選題的問題,也都可以自成壹代了。






“英國媒體”包括的種類很多,又有廣義和狹義之分;“對英國的影響”也分多方面,經濟、生產、百姓生活 etc. 這麽壹分析,內容多得這輩子也寫不完了,所以還是選個具體的某種媒體,或者選具體方面影響來回答。

for example: Murdoch’s BSkyB Bid at Risk From U.K. Media Influence

Nov. 5 (Bloomberg) -- News Corp.’s proposed 7.8 billion- pound ($12.7 billion) takeover of British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc may be hampered by the political power Rupert Murdoch has spent his life aumulating.

With Business Secretary Vince Cable asking regulators if owning all of BSkyB would give the 79-year-old Australian-born U.S. citizen too much media control, Murdoch must persuade them he isn’t too powerful. He owns four of the biggest-selling U.K. newspapers and 39 percent of BSkyB, which produces Sky News, the first 24-hour U.K. news channel. Murdoch was one of the first people to visit David Cameron after he became prime minister.

Competitors in U.K. media say possible cross-promotion beeen Murdoch-owned newspapers and television stations would unfairly increase his influence. Some lawmakers involved in probes of his News of the World tabloid say Murdoch’s properties have already tilted the playing field against them.

“Given the profile of the businesses involved and the expected opposition from a number of third parties, News Corp. and BSkyB are likely to face an uphill battle,” said Gustaf Duhs, senior associate at law firm Stevens & Bolton LLP. “A lengthy legal process is fairly certain to follow.”

News Corp. would add 10 million subscribers with a takeover of BSkyB. It already controls more than a third of the national newspaper market in Britain with publications including The Times, News of the World and The Sun.

Cable’s Case

Cable intervened in the case yesterday, within a day of News Corp. formally asking the European Union to approve its bid. New York-based News Corp. is seeking the steady subscription business of Britain’s biggest pay-TV operator. BSkyB in June rejected the initial bid of 700 pence a share, or 7.8 billion pounds, for the 61 percent of the pany that News Corp. doesn’t already own, saying it was too low.

“On the basis of the information and submissions available to me, I have decided that it is appropriate to issue an intervention notice in this particular case,” Cable said as he asked the regulator Of to investigate “the public interest consideration of media plurality.”

Of said in a statement it would look at future developments in media as well as the level of control of media businesses. Cable’s intervention also requires the Office of Fair Trading to investigate whether the takeover will result in a change in control of the pany, the watchdog said today in a statement. As part of the dual process, the OFT and Of will aept ments from outside parties until Nov. 19.

Mounting Opposition

Opposition to the proposed offer has mounted with U.K. newspapers, the British Broadcasting Corp. and BT Group Plc signing a joint letter to Cable calling for the bid to be challenged by the U.K. government.

News Corp. said yesterday the proposed offer “will not adversely affect media plurality in the United Kingdom,” adding that it “looks forward to discussing any substantive issues with the relevant authorities.”

U.K. regulators have already considered the level of control held by Murdoch over BSkyB when looking at the variety of voices in the media.

BSkyB’s purchase of 18 percent in U.K. broadcaster ITV Plc prompted the Competition Commission to say in a 2007 report that it “assumed the News Corporation had material influence over BSkyB.”

Meanwhile, Labour lawmakers, who saw the Murdoch newspapers turn against them ahead of the May election after more than a decade of support, are questioning his power.

‘We Are Afraid’

“We are afraid,” Labour’s Tom Watson told his fellow lawmakers in a Sept. 9 debate on the News of the World. “It is almost laughable that we sit here in Parliament, the central institution of our sacred democracy -- among us are some of the most powerful people in the land -- yet we are scared.”

Following that debate, Parliament voted to hold its fourth probe into the News of the World. In 2007, the tabloid’s then- editor, Andy Coulson, resigned after Clive Goodman, one of his reporters, and Glen Mulcaire, a private investigator working for the newspaper, were jailed for illegally intercepting voicemails of celebrities, politicians, and members of the Royal family.

Coulson, 42, who has denied he knew what was going on, became Cameron’s head of munications later that year.

Of will today set out the terms of its probe, which it aims to plete by the end of the year. On the basis of its report, Cable must decide whether to refer the bid to the Competition Commission, which could take months to e to a conclusion. After he receives its report, it will ultimately be for him to decide whether to allow the deal to go ahead.

Liberal Democrat

Cable is a Liberal Democrat member of a coalition with Cameron’s Conservatives. While their partners were endorsed in the May election by the Sun and Times newspapers, the Liberal Democrats were criticized. The Sun characterized them as the “Lib Dumbs,” attacking both Cable and leader Nick Clegg.

Cameron’s spoke *** an Vickie Sheriff distanced the prime minister from the investigation. “The prime minister is on the record saying this is a matter for the Business Secretary, and the Business Secretary has made his decision,” she said. She said Murdoch’s son James, who’s the chairman of BSkyB and the head of News Corp.’s operations in Europe and Asia, has not been to No. 10 Downing Street.

James Murdoch called Cable on June 15, the day the initial bid was announced, aording to the Department for Business, which described their conversation as “a short introductory phone call.”


o(∩_∩)o 哈哈,同學,祝妳學習順利。





西班牙《南方日報》網站4月16日文章,原題:中國準備好領導世界了嗎? 世界各地的分析人士壹致認為:美國總統特朗普似乎要把全球領導地位讓給中國。統計數據顯示,中國在不同領域已經處於世界領先地位,最主要的是貿易。雖然2016年中國對外出口減少7.7%,進口減少5.5%,但中國始終掌握著世界商品和服務的進出口大單。而且中國的貿易變化是中國 *** 主導經濟轉型的結果,中國在提高出口附加值方面取得了很大的成功:從智能手機到高鐵,中國的機械出口取得重大發展。

與美國強調“再次偉大”不同,中國 *** 從不大張旗鼓地宣揚國家復興。事實上,中國在某種程度上已經回到了昔日的盛景。中國的對外投資已足夠對世界經濟產生影響。近年來,中國加快海外並購步伐,在全球經濟低迷的環境下,對外投資流量躍居全球第二,投資比重在各大洲持續增長。2016年,中國對外直接投資達到2100億美元,增長12%,如果加上非金融類投資的1700億美元,增幅更高達44%。與此同時,中國吸引投資超千億美元,這些數據表明,世界第二大經濟體像磁鐵壹樣吸引外國投資,且比改革開放初期的成果更加豐碩。


