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They diverted the river to supply water to the town

他們使 河流改道 以便向城市供水。

River dynamics and flood events are the key - factors for the conservation and restoration of tugai forests

洪水和 河流改道 就是保護胡楊林的核心因素。

The scheme to divert the river has e to a full stop because of lack of money to finish it

使 河流改道 的方案已完全停止,因為沒有錢來完成這壹方案。

River courses without dynamics replenish the groundwater and thus sustain existing tugai vegetation

沒有 河流改道 的河流可保持壹定的地下水位,而保持已經存在的胡楊林。

River course stretches with still prevaipng river dynamics , i . e . iminq ? k , should bee core zones for the conservation of tugai forests

保持 河流改道 的河段(如移民且克)應該作為保護胡楊林的核心區。

The freshwater habitats around the rivers and streams have been severely modified by , for instance , the construction of large dams and physical alterations of river flow by straightening and deepening of river courses

另壹方面,河流流域的淡水生境亦屢遭修築大壩 河流改道 及水流監控等工程改動。現時大部分河水已不適宜飲用,土壤亦受汙染。

He actually purchased the farm my father was raised on . there was a large gorge that ran through this farm . the river had changed course and taken all the dirt away and then when it changed course , it created a huge island and there were several acres of soil that could be planted and harvested , but there was this incredible crevasse which kept them from doing that

伯伯在農場會做的壹件事,事實上那農場是他向祖父買下來的,爸爸也在那兒長大祖父決定要把橫跨農場的壹條溝填平, 河流改道 導致巨大河谷峽谷形成,裏面沒有泥土,河水把泥土都帶走了,它改道時形成了壹個巨大島嶼,那裏有好幾