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Work Experience:


Beijing Century Zhuoke Energy Technology Co., Ltd.


Position: Lightning Designer and Project Technical Director (From 2007.9 up to now)

§ 負責照明系統整體照明效果的設計、照明設計圖紙的制作、照度模擬計算和相關照明標準的總結

Being responsible for the design of the integrated effect of the lightning system, the tailoring of the lightning design drawings, the simulation calculation of the illuminance, and the summery of related lightning standards

§ 負責整個項目的技術指導、照明系統設計改造的進度安排、向客戶介紹產品優勢及照明改造的節能效益等

Being responsible for the technical instruction for the whole project, the scheduling of the design and reform of the lightning system, introducing the product advantages and the energy-saving benefits of the lightning reformation to the customers

§ 負責可行性報告、項目建議書、照明測試方案、設計方案、安裝進度計劃、竣工驗收報告的撰寫和驗收工作的組織

Being responsible for the writing of feasibility report, project proposal, lightning testing scheme, design scheme, installation schedule, completion inspection and acceptation report, and the organization of inspection and acceptation work.


Participating the writing of the documents for applying National Science and Technology Advancement Prize, the plan arrangement of the lamp production, the shipment management, and the pre-investigation of project difficulty.

★ 負責完成的照明改造項目有:太原煤氣化公司照明系統改造項目、雲南磷化集團照明系統改造項目。

The completed projects under the charge of me: Lightning system reform project of Taiyuan Coal Gasification Co., Ltd.; Lightning system reform project of Yunnan Phosphate Chemical Group Co., Ltd.

★ 參與完成的項目有:太鋼集團臨汾鋼鐵有限公司照明系統改造項目、雲嶺大風壩隧道照明系統改造項目。

The completed projects that I participated in: Lightning system reform project of Linfen Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Taiyuan Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.; Lightning system reform project of Dafengba Tunnel,Yunling。

★ 所負責的兩個照明改造項目均實現節電率70%以上,並提高了整體照明質量,獲得客戶的認可

Both two lightning reform projects completed under my charge achieve 70 % power saving, and have the lightning quality enhanced, so are appreciated by the end users.

△ 熟悉整個項目操作的流程規範和所需要的技術準備和支持,能夠合理安排項目成員各項任務

Being familiar with the flow specifications and the necessary technological preparation and support for the whole project, being able to rationally arrange the tasks for every team members

△ 熟悉現有國內照明市場,並掌握各種類型光源和燈具的參數,能夠從技術方面引導客戶支持節能照明改造

Being familiar with the domestic lightning market, and grasping the parameters of various light sources and lamps, being able to direct customers to support the reformation of energy-saving lightning.

△ 先後在山西、雲南、廣東、江蘇、海南、遼寧、內蒙等地負責項目技術開展或出差,從事於隧道、道路標準廠房、露天場所、 巷道、等各種不同環境照明系統的現狀調查和改造,對照明節能改造的可行性及改造所涉及的商務、技術上的問題有很深的認識

Being in charge of the carrying out of the projects and having business trip one after another in Shanxi, Yunnan, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Hainan, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia and other places, implementing the current status investigation and reformation on various environments such as tunnel, road, standard plants, open-air place, mining roadway, so that having deep understanding on the feasibility of lightning energy saving reformation and the problems involved in it in the aspects of business and technology.

△ 為公司提出合理的燈具生產設計、獎金分配制度等建議,獲得領導的壹致認可,並獲2000元的獎金

Proposing reasonable suggestions about lamp production and design, and bonus distribution system, and being admitted by all the leaders thereby getting a prize of 2000 Yuan RMB.

● 待遇:基本工資3000元,包住宿,每天40元夥食、交通補助,每月報銷200元話費,另有項目提成,無加班費。


Basic wage:3000 Yuan RMB, free accommodation, food fee 40 Yuan/day, traffic subsidies, 200 yuan monthly reimbursement rates for phone, and project percentage, no over time work fee.


Education Background:

哈爾濱工業大學 專業:光信息科學與技術 學位:學士學位 本科時間:2003.9——2007.7

2003.9~2007.7 Harbin Institute of Technology

Major: Optical Information Science and Technology

Degree: Bachelor’s Degree

§ 主修課程:

Main Courses: 激光原理與技術Laser Principle and Technology,光纖光學基礎Introduction to Fiber Optics,光通信原理與技術Optical Communications Principle and Technology,光電子學Photonics,信息光學Information Optics,光學Optics,光譜學基礎 Spectroscopy Basis,基礎電子技術 Basic Electronic Techniques,集成電子技術Integrated Electronic Technique,電磁學Electromagnetics,電動力學Electrodynamics,量子力學Quantum Mechanical,理論力學 Theoretical Mechanical,力學 Mechanical,數學物理方法 Mathematical and Physical Methods,原子物理 Atomic Physics,熱學Thermal,熱力學與統計物理Thermodynamics and Statistics Physics,計算機實用基礎 Basic Computer Practical Application,計算物理 Computational Physics,中級物理實驗 Intermediate Level Physical Experiment,固體物理 Solid Physics,大學化學 University Chemistry

§ 大三下學期進行電子工藝實習,有很強的動手能力

★ 第壹學期獲力學單科成績第壹名

★ 班級曾多次獲得優秀學風班級稱號


★ 高二獲全國希望杯數學競賽二等獎

★ 中學學習成績穩定在年級第十名左右,多次獲三好學生稱號


Computer Ability:

熟練使用CAD等機械制圖軟件、dialux等照明設計軟件、lighttools等燈具設計軟件、word,excel,ppt等辦公軟件, 初步掌握並正在進壹步學習Pro-E、3D max等三維設計軟件

Being proficient in using mechanical softwares like CAD, lightning design softwares like Dialux, lamp design software like lighttool, Office softwares like Word, PPT.


English Skills:

§ 04年6月通過英語四級考試,04年10月通過英語口語考試,05年1月通過英語六級考試,擁有英語六級證書和口語證書

CET 4 passed in June, 2004, Spoken English Test passed in Oct. 2004, CET 6 passed in Jan. 2005, owning CET 6 and Spoken English Test Certificates.

§ 擁有良好的聽說讀寫能力

Having good English listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities


Love and Features

§ 喜歡閱讀科技、地理、歷史相關書籍,愛好足球、羽毛球、唱歌等

Liking reading in the fields of science & technology, geography, history, loving football, badminton, singing, etc.

§ 文字表達能力強,有壹定寫作功底

Having strong word expression ability and certain writing foundation.

§ 有很強的學習欲望,且自學能力強,專業軟件如CAD、Dialux等均為自學掌握

Having strong study desire and self-study ability, for example some professional softwares such as CAD, Dialux are mastered through self-study.

§ 辦事穩重細心,擅於對問題進行分析,敢於提出自己的想法,有上進心

Being careful and rigorous in dealing with affairs, good at analysis on problems, daring to propose my own opinions, and being aggresive


Job Target:


Belonging to a prospective industry, a work community with harmonious and unite atmosphere, having training and study opportunities and promotion space.