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經典意味著意義持久和價值深遠,意味著榜樣和力量,意味著政治正確、品位純正。下面是我帶來的經典的英語 句子 ,歡迎閱讀!


 "where there is discord, may we bring harmony. where there is error, may we bring truth. where there is doubt, may we bring faith. and where there is despair, may we bring hope." may 4, 1979, after becoming pm


 any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.



 "pennies don?t fall from heaven ? they have to be earned here on earth." november 1979 at a banquet

 錢不會從天上掉下來,必須腳踏實地去掙。1972年11月 某個宴會

 i love argument. i love debate. i don?t expect anyone just to sit here and agree with me?that?s not their job.

 我喜歡爭論,我喜歡 辯論 ,我不希望任何人只是坐在我邊上,同意我的觀點,這不是他們的工作?。----1980年

 we want a society where people are free to make choices, to make mistakes, to be generous and compassionate. this is what we mean by a moral society; not a society where the state is responsible for everything, and no one is responsible for the state.?


 being powerful is like being a lady. if you have to tell people you are, you aren't.(margaret thatcher)



 1. Do you love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of.

 1. 妳熱愛生命嗎?那麽,別浪費時間,因為生命是由時間組成的。(本傑明?富蘭克林)

 2. Whatever business you'e in, it's going to commoditize over time. It's going to devalue. You've got to keep moving it to a higher value.

 2. 無論妳從事哪壹個行業,它遲早會實現商品化。它會貶值。妳必須不斷為之增值。(羅睿蘭)

 3.No matter how good the science gets, there are problems that inevitably depend on judgement, on art, on a feel for financial markets.

 3. 不管科學有多好,仍然不可避免地會有要依靠判斷和手法、依靠對金融市場的某種感覺來解決的問題。(馬丁?費爾德斯坦 )

 4. Scrutiny is part of the job, and good leaders accept that. The really good ones figure out how to create a system and a culture of feedback that is safe.

 4. 接受審視原本就是高管工作的壹部分,好的領導者早已接受這壹事實。真正優秀的領導者還會創造壹種安全的回饋系統和 文化 。(托馬斯?薩波裏托)

 5. If you have a frame of reference to judge your work, then you have not ventured far enough into the unknown.

 5. 如果用壹個參考框架來評判工作,那妳壹定沒有冒險深入無人之境。(譚啟明)

 6. The consequences of making a poor hiring decision, up and down the line, are expensive.

 6. 糟糕的招聘決策差不多都會讓公司付出不小的代價。(邁克爾?艾特金)

 7. People you know will always have your back, not when you're standing on top of the mountain but in the deepest ditch.

 7. 妳熟悉的人總會在身後支持妳,不是當妳身處巔峰時,而是在妳陷入低谷的時候。(傑克?斯坦菲爾德)

 8. Women have been socialized in certain ways that make them quite good negotiators, the biggest hurdle is usually persuading them to try.

 8. 女性在某些方面更善於交際,但最大的障礙往往就在於妳得說服她們去嘗試。(詹尼佛?艾琳 )

 9.Advertising people who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals.

 9. 廣告 人忽視研究,會像將領忽視破譯敵人信號密碼壹樣危險。(大衛?奧格威)

 10. The less financial pressure you put on yourself at the outset, the more likely you are to succeed.

 10. 在開始創業的時候,妳面臨的財務壓力越小,就越有可能取得成功。(蘇珊?斯賓塞 )


 "Theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die."


 From The Charge of the Light Brigade, the poem tells of the famous and brutal military disaster in the Crimean war. Nowadays, the saying is often used in the workplace and encourages one to press on no matter what the task. Though the narrative as a whole tells the story of soldiers, pieces of the text can be applied to modern situations. "Readers can detach lines from their context and enjoy rolling them around in their mouths and heads," says Oxford University literature professor Dr Robert Douglas-Fairhurst.

 在《輕裝旅進攻》(又譯《英烈傳》?譯者註)中,詩人以此描繪了著名的克裏米亞戰爭的慘烈。現在,經常在工作場所使用該語,意在鼓勵無論何種工作,都要努力前進。 盡管大體描寫戰士的 故事 ,但文中許多點滴與現代情形吻合。?讀者可以撇開上下文,抽出幾句話,反復咀嚼。?羅伯特?道格拉斯?菲爾赫斯特說。他是牛津大學的文學教授。

 2. "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."


 Perhaps the most well-known of Tennyson's quotes comes from "In Memoriam", a tribute to one of his late friends.

 The saying, which is most commonly used to console someone after a break-up, tugs at the heartstrings and serves as a comfort for those with tumultuous love lives.



 3. "If I had a flower for every time I thought of you... I could walk through my garden forever."


 This romantic sentiment may sound like the message on a greeting card, but it now makes its way into wedding speeches and toasts.

 這句情話感覺象 賀卡 上的 短語 ,實際上,這句話進入了婚禮,也成了祝酒詞。

 4."Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers."


 From the dramatic monologue Locksley Hall, this poem tells the story of a soldier who stays behind to reflect on childhood struggles.

 This simple phrase insinuates that knowledge is pieces of information that aren't always retained, but wisdom is a deeper understanding based on life experiences.

