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1The Irish government has announced it will hold a referendumon whether to allow same sex marriages. Civil partnerships havebeen legal in Ireland since 2010, but activists have beencampaigning to amend the constitution and give gay people equal access to civil marriage.The mayor of Canada's biggest city Toronto Rob Ford has admitted that he once smoke the drugcrack cocaine. The mayor surprised admission comes after months of speculation began whenreports service to a video that appeared to show the Mayor smoking the drug. From Toronto LeeCarter reports.


The South African Department of Labor reported last month that the nation has too few jobs forunskilled labourers. The department also said there are not enough workers for highly skilledpositions.The sharp differences between jobs and skills were apparent recently when officials advertised ajob opening in the government. The position was that of auditor-general or chief financialsupervisor.With a 26 percent unemployment rate nationwide, there was no shortage of interest in the job. 90 people asked to be considered. But officials said many of them lack the necessary skills ofeducation. The auditor-general is responsible for supervising and independently examining SouthAfrica's finances.The advertisement said, the position required the person to be a trained accountant. It saidcandidates had to have at least a Master's degree and years of experience. Yet among the jobhopefuls were laborers, a security guard, a secretary and some whose highest education level washigh school.The Labor Department report blamed the nation's poor education system. But for unskilledworkers, the story is very different.Restaurant industry official TJ Van der Walt says the business he works with get a huge number ofapplications for every job."We deal in an industry where there's no real skill needed, so we get literally thousands ofapplicants for the positions that we get."Mr Van der Walt notes that good workers are hard to find. He says he spends a lot of timestudying the job qualifications of people who don't have the required skills. In his words, peoplejust want jobs.Sejamothopo Motau is a member of South Africa's Parliament. He says the job market is difficult,and both skilled and unskilled workers are feeling the pain. He says education has been a majorproblem in South Africa's development. He notes that many Blacks received a poor educationunder white-minority rule. Apartheid officially ended in 1994.He says many people are university graduates, still they can't get jobs where there is a need forskilled workers. This is because the education these graduates have is not enough to place them injobs with high skill requirements."So what it tells us is -- and I think everybody in this country now accepts that -- is that there's amismatch between our education system and the products of that system, and the needs, theeconomic needs, of the country."南非勞動部上過月報道稱:該國為非熟練工人提供工作太少。勞動部還說高技能職位也缺少員工。工作和技能最明顯的區別在近來有官員為壹個空缺的政府職位打廣告時,表現得非常明顯。招聘職位是審計長或者叫財務主管。南非全國有26%事業的情況下,人們對該職位的興趣非常大。有90個人申請該職位。但是官方認為他們中的很多人缺乏教育技能。審計長要負責監督和獨立檢查南非的財政。廣告上說,該職位要求應聘人員為訓練有素的會計。據說,候選人必須至少要有碩士學位,並且具有多年工作經驗。然而在求職者中有工人,壹名保安,壹位秘書,以及壹些最高學歷為高中的人。南非勞動部報告將其原因歸咎於教育體系的落後。但對非熟練技工來說,情況又明顯不同。餐飲業員工範德沃爾特(TJ Van der Walt)表示,他就職的公司的每個職位都收到了大量申請。“我們這個行業不需要實際的技能,所以我們招聘的職位收到了上千封申請書。”範德沃爾特指出好員工很難招。他說他花了很多時間研究不具備工作所需工作技能的人工作經歷。用他自己的話來說,人們想要的只是工作。莫泰(Sejamothopo Motau)是南非議會的議員。他說就業市場非常難,無論有無技能的人,都覺得很艱難。他認為,教育已經是南非發展的主要問題。他指出,在少數白人統治地區,許多黑人所受的教育非常差。南非種族隔離結束於1994年。他說很多人大學畢業,但是他們還是不能在需要熟練技工的地方找到工作。這是因為這些畢業生所受到的教育不足以勝任高技能工作的要求“它告訴我們的是,我們的教育體系及其產品和我國經濟需求之間存在失衡。我認為南非大部分人現在都認同這點

France says President Francois Hollande will not attend theopening ceremony for 2014 winter Olympics in Russia, nor willany other top French official. The announcement was made bythe French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius in a radio interview, but he did not elaborate on thereasons. Analysts say the Russian President Vladimir Putin has staked his personal prestige onstaging a successful Olympic in an effort to showcase his country.



The polls have now closed in Chile where people havebeen voting for a new president. The socialist candidateMichelle Bachelet has seen as the favourite, she fell justshort of the outright majority she needed in the firstround. The electoral authority says the turnout appears tohave been low despite repeated calls by both candidatesfor people to vote.


Some 200,000 opposition supporters have converged onindependence square in Ukrainian capital Kiev demandingthe resignation of the President Viktor Yanukovych. It'sthe latest protest over the government's refusal to sign adeal on close integration with the European Union. TheUS Senator John McCain was cheered when he toldcrowds that Washington support them. “Ukraine willmake Europe better and European will make Ukrainebetter. To all Ukrainians, America stands with you.”


